EBLA Gas Plant FEED-Syria
Petro-Canada Palmyra BV 2008-09
OAGVL provided a number of key positions on the Owners' Engineering Team for the Ebla Gas Project FEED contract, including Engineering Manager, and several discipline engineers. The team supervised the FEED Contractor ODE / Snamprogetti in Basingstoke, UK, and also the transition to EPC organisation in Sharjah. The FEED had a value of $13MM.
The project included a remote Gas Gathering station, with associated multiphase flowlines, 100km multiphase pipeline, Gas treatment plant comprising: gas dehydration unit, gas separation using turbo-expander/low temperature separator process, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) recovery unit, LPG storage facilities and loading facilities, sales gas compression and transportation facilities, condensate stabilisation and storage, associated offsites and utilities to produce 88 MMscfd sales gas, 150 Te/d LPG and associated condensate.